Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Racquet

On our drive back home, while waiting for the signal to turn green at one of the traffic signal posts, we spotted this guy making rounds with a racquet in hand. It is a common sight at traffic signals. So common, that if you are a newbie in the city,you wonder if Hyderabad is such a sports fanatic place. Well...in a way, it is. Hyderabadis with this racquet, do play a game or two every evening - no ball/shuttlecock required! The opponent/ball/victim is the mosquito! Yes, to the uninformed, this is no ordinary tennis racquet - its a deadly weapon that electrocutes the evil mosquitoes! Now isn't that quite an innovation?

Alright, coming back to where I left - So, curiosity got the better of me and we purchased one of those bats. I could hardly wait to get home and put this masterpiece to test.
Once home, there was no time wasted - the bat was immediately unpacked and employed as a mortal combat weapon on the tiniest winged being spotted.A few hours later, as the initial fancy wore out, I realized it was time to bed. The next morning, when the maid noticed the number of flies,mosquitoes and fruit flies on the floor, she gave me a puzzled look. I returned an innocent glance and said nothing, inwardly amused at the achievement!


Prashant said...

One thing always puzzled me when i saw these 'racquets' - how many ppl would actually use these on a long term basis! I mean, who would want to go in for guerrilla warfare when you can get rid of your arch-enemy with a flick of a switch.

Lavanya said...

I thought so too, until one fine day we had to battle these fiends with only newspaper to our rescue - sigh! Power cuts you see.

So it comes in very handy at those times and also when you really want to let off your anger :D.